Early Intervention

While every child develops at his or her own pace, following are some general guidelines to help you determine whether your child may need special services:

At about… A child should…
Birth to 6 months Look in the direction of sound Roll over
Coo, babble and laugh aloud Reach for and grasp objects
Hold head up when held at shoulder Make eye contact during feedings
6 months to 1 year Recognize his/her name when called Creep on hands and knees
Walk with assistance or holding on Imitate sounds
Drink from a cup held by an adult Sit without support
1 to 1 1/2 years Explore cabinets and drawers Use a few words
Begin to feed him or herself Point to some body parts
Walk alone
1 1/2 to 2 years Walk and begin to run Dress with assistance
Put words together into phrases Eat table food
2 to 3 years Complete a 3-4 piece puzzle Use the toilet with assistance
Jump, run, kick, climb stairs Use simple sentences

UCP of Northeastern Pennsylvania began providing services for children with special needs in the mid 1960’s. At that time, a developmental class was housed in rented space. Several other locations were used until 1983 when the agency purchased and remodeled what became our Clarks Summit Children’s Center. With its opening, the agency realized its dream of providing integrated activities for children with and without disabilities by housing our TLC Child Care program in the facility.

Today, services are provided in the child’s "natural environment" – their home, or child care facility. Agency staff partner with the parents and/or child care staff to incorporate the child’s developmental goals into their daily routine.

Specific services are based on the child’s Individual Family Service Plan and may include specialized instruction, developmental activities, physical, speech and/or occupational therapies.

Early intervention is provided for children from birth through three years of age. Federal, state and local government programs fund these services so there is no charge to families who need them.