Helpful Links
Following is a list of links to additional resources offered as a service to our visitors.
UCP of Northeastern Pennsylvania does not endorse, takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over the referenced organization or its views, or contents, nor does it vouch for the accuracy of information contained on the destination server.
Advocacy Groups
- ADAPT- American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today
- Addiction Center
- Advocating Change Together
- American Association of People with Disabilities
- Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
- Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania
- National Organization on Disability
- PA Developmental Disabilities Council
- PA Training Partnerships for People with Disabilities & Families
- Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
- The Resource Center for Disability Advocates
Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADA Home Page
- ADA Information Center - for the Mid-Atlantic Region
Assistive Technology
- - the National Public Website on AT
- Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access
- Closing the Gap
- Communicate PA
- Dreamms for Kids, Inc.
- Free Special Phone Program (formerly TDDP)
- PA Assistive Technology Foundation
- Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Lending Library
- Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (TechOWL)
- Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America
Children & Parents
- National Lekotek Center
- NewMouth - dentistry for children with disabilities
- PA Chapter - American Academy of Pediatrics
- PA Medical Home Initiative
- Parent Education Network
- Parent to Parent
- Parents Exchange
- Parents Involved Network of Pennsylvania
- VisionCenter: Amblyopia (lazy eye)
- Zero to Three
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Education Law Center
- Million Mile Secrets for Study Abroad Students
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- National Association of Parents of Children in Special Education
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
- National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
- Pennsylvania Training & Technical Assistance Network
- Wrightslaw - information about special education laws
- Enable America
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Ticket to Work
Federal Government
- - One-stop site created by numerous federal agencies providing information and assistance on benefits and other issues.
- IDEA website - information and assistance on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Centers for Medicare/Medicaid
- Social Security Administration - info about Social Security & SSI benefits
- US House of Representatives
- US Senate
- - The federal government portal
- HUD - information on federal laws/rights for people with disabilities
- Self-Determination Housing Project of PA
Recreation & Travel
- Access-Able Travel Source
- Accessible Journeys
- Bankrate: Traveling with ASD
- Family Village Recreation & Leisure Center
State Government
- COMPASS - Online application for many health & human service programs
- PA House
- PA Senate
- Pennsylvania Portal - the Commonwealth's official website - links to all state agencies and services
- Disability license plates/parking placards
- US Department of Transportation - disability access information